Linearized traces


Usually, programs are executed as a sequence of nested function calls, e.g.:

foo(x) = 2x
bar(x, y) = foo(x) + 3y
baz(x, y) = bar(x, y) - 1

baz(1.0, 2.0)

Sometimes, however, it's more convenient to work with a linearized representation of the computation. Example use cases include collecting computational graphs for automatic differentiation, exporting to ONNX, serialization of functions to library-independent format, etc. trace() lets you obtain such a linearized representation:

using Umlaut

val, tape = trace(baz, 1.0, 2.0)
(7.0, Tape{Umlaut.BaseCtx}
  inp %1::typeof(Main.baz)
  inp %2::Float64
  inp %3::Float64
  %4 = *(2, %2)::Float64 
  %5 = *(3, %3)::Float64 
  %6 = +(%4, %5)::Float64 
  %7 = -(%6, 1)::Float64 

trace() returns two values - the result of the original function call and the generated tape. The structure of the tape is described in Tape anatomy section, here just note that trace() recursed into baz(), bar() and foo(), but recorded +, - and * onto the tape as is. This is because +, - and * are considered "primitives", i.e. the most basic operations which all other functions consist of. This behavior can be customized using a tracing context.


Context is a way to customize tracing and attach arbitrary data to the generated tape. For example, here's how we can add a new function to the list of primitives:

import Umlaut: isprimitive, BaseCtx

struct MyCtx end

isprimitive(::MyCtx, f, args...) = isprimitive(BaseCtx(), f, args...) || f == foo

val, tape = trace(baz, 1.0, 2.0; ctx=MyCtx())
(7.0, Tape{Main.MyCtx}
  inp %1::typeof(Main.baz)
  inp %2::Float64
  inp %3::Float64
  %4 = foo(%2)::Float64 
  %5 = *(3, %3)::Float64 
  %6 = +(%4, %5)::Float64 
  %7 = -(%6, 1)::Float64 

In this code:

  • MyCtx is a new context type; there are no restrictions on the type of context
  • isprimitive is a function that decides whether a particular function call f(args...) should be treated as a primitive in this context
  • BaseCtx is the default context that treats all built-in functions from modules Base, Core, etc. as primitives

So we define a new method for isprimitive() that returns true for all built-in functions and for function foo.

isprimitive() can be artibtrarily complex. For example, if we want to include all functions from a particular module, we can write:

isprimitive(::MyCtx, f, args...) = Base.parentmodule(f) == Main

On the other hand, if we only need to set a few functions as primitives, BaseCtx() provides a convenient constructor for it:

val, tape = trace(baz, 1.0, 2.0; ctx=BaseCtx([+, -, *, foo]))
(7.0, Tape{Umlaut.BaseCtx}
  inp %1::typeof(Main.baz)
  inp %2::Float64
  inp %3::Float64
  %4 = foo(%2)::Float64 
  %5 = *(3, %3)::Float64 
  %6 = +(%4, %5)::Float64 
  %7 = -(%6, 1)::Float64 

Another useful function is record_primitive!(), which lets you overload the way a primitive call is recorded to the tape. As a toy example, imagine that we want to replace all invokations of * with + and calculate the number of times it has been called. Even though we haven't learned tape anatomy and utils yet, try to parse this code:

import Umlaut: record_primitive!

function loop1(a, n)
    a = 2a
    for i in 1:n
        a = a * n
    return a

mutable struct CountingReplacingCtx

# v_fargs is a tuple of Variables or constant values, representing a function call
# that we are about to invoke (but haven't yet)
function record_primitive!(tape::Tape{CountingReplacingCtx}, v_fargs...)
    # tape.c refers to the provided context
    if v_fargs[1] == tape.c.replace[1]
        tape.c.count += 1
        return push!(tape, mkcall(tape.c.replace[2], v_fargs[2:end]...))
        return push!(tape, mkcall(v_fargs...))

_, tape = trace(loop1, 2.0, 3; ctx=CountingReplacingCtx((*) => (+), 0))
@assert tape.c.count == 4
@assert count(op -> op isa Call && op.fn == (+), tape) == 4

Although we could have done it as a postprocessing using replace!(), record_primitive!() has advantage of running before the original function is invoked and thus avoiding double calculation.